Welcome to HanWJ Pinyin! www.hanwj.com

II. HanWJ PinYin

With HanWJ PinYin, you type in pinyin characters, HanWJ will prompt you with matching character and word candidates; then you select one from the prompts using number key or spacebar.

To select the first choice, use spacebar or number key "1"; to select the second choice, use number key "2", and so on. If there are n choices, then all number key greater or equal n will select the n-th.

You can also change setting in Input Options dialog, so that number "1" and "2" will all select the second choice; this is because selecting the first choice is already very convenient by using the spacebar and using both key "1" and "2" to select the second choice will increase fault-tolerance since it's easy to type the wrong number key. The 1st and 2nd choices are the most used ones.

When choices are greater than 10, the rest will not be showed on the first page of choices. You can use ">" and "<" to navigate to next and previous pages of choices.

It is usually faster to input in unit of word than in unit of character. It is best to break sentences into pieces each having 2-4 characters.

To input word, type in the pinyin of each character continuously; or type in the first letter of each character. For word having more than 6 character, you only need to type in first letters of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and the last character.

Differences between normal pinyin input and HanWJ pinyin input are:

(1) If you like, you can use the leftmost column of keys as tone keys, to specify the tone of the character (or the last character of word), thus narrowing down the possible choices prompted.

Key " ` " represents tone-1, Tab key represents tone-2, CapsLock key represents tone-3, Left-Shift key for tone-4, and the Right-Shift key represents tone-5.

If a wrong tone key was input, just input the right one again. It will overwrite the previous one.

Tone 1-5 are written as the shapes of "-/v\.".

For example,to input "李", type in "li" and CapsLock key.On the pinyin prompt line, you see the tone-3 as a trailing blue check mark:

Chinese Input Samples

Note, tone key is used only for the last character of word. You can not use tone for every character in a word; i.e., tone key can only appear after all pinyin letters.

(2) Optionally, "ng" can be simplified as "g". e.g., "chuang" can be input as "chuag"; "heng" can be input as "heg". Likewise, "iao" can be simplified as "io", "uang" as "uag" or even "ug". e.g., "huang" can be simplified as "huag".

(3)Another advanced method to narrow down choices is to use Chinese Strokes.

On the right side of keyboard,the keys "-=[];" represent strokes "— | / \ ╖"(横竖撇捺折).
Just like using Tone, you can specify the 1st, 2nd and last strokes of the character (or last character of word).

For example, "李" can be input as "li-=-".

(1) and (3) can be used together.

(4) When using first letters of each character to input a word, you can type in the full pinyin of last character to narrow down choices displayed.

For example, "别说是" can be input as "bsshi".

(5) HanWJ uses prefix-match and fuzzy-match in order to achieve better matching even in case of typos. e.g.,the word "四川省" has full pinyin "sichuansheng",but when you input "sichuans"(prefix) or "sichuasheng"(missing "n") or "sichuashng"(missing "n" and a "e") or "sichaunshen"("u" and "a" switched), HanWJ can still find the word.

(8) When constructing word, if wrong candidate is selected, you can change your selection by Alt+I.

Tip: If using original character ordering, Chinese numbers can be input by using first letter of that Chinese number's character's pinyin followed by the corresponding number key. e.g.,"八" can be input as "b8","四" as "s4",etc.

On keyboard, most letter keys are assigned a common Chinese character for quick input by typing that letter followed by spacebar. Use Alt+K to show the keymap.

If the first letter entered is "v", HanWJ will enter v-mode. In v-mode, you can type in special Chinese characters,e.g.,"★".You exit from v-mode by typing Esc key.

Alt+; will bring up a symble/punctuation window where you can click-select from a rich set to input.

If the first letter entered is "u", HanWJ will enter u-mode. In u-mode, you can type in Chinese number characters using number keys,e.g.,"九"(letter "o" will input Chinese zero "O"). You exit from u-mode by typing Esc key.

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