Optimal Chinese input, edit, learning and teaching environments.
Sophisticated. Easy. Superior!
Chinese Smart Editor
Chinese learning, Chinese teaching, Chinese editor.
Chinese word processing (RTF-based, Word-compatible). Add PinYin on character (Chinese pinyin annotation). Chinese/English text-to-speech (TTS). Speak-when-typing, save and play. Chinese-to-English Dictionary. Display of dictionary info for character under mouse pointer. Powerful conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese. Chinese text recovery. Chinese Toned Pinyin Input. Type Chinese with 汉王简拼音.
New: (1) Chinese Zi/Ci Info (Definition, Zi Decomposition, Stroke Order, etc.) lookup dialog; Generate annotated Chinese text stream if a block of text is selected (Alt+Z). (2) Find out Zi by its components dialog (Alt+X).
>>Free Download
Annotated Chinese Reader
Click to Display HanZi Info Anywhere. Unique Chinese Reading Repeater; rewind, loop . Online Chinese-English Dictionary.
Catch selected Chinese text on screen and add dictionary info to each character / word; read text in changeable speed; rewind and loop. Chinese TTS.
>>Free Download
USB version
Chinese Input Engine
Type Chinese into normal windows.
- HanWJ PinYin, a proven technology for 20 years. ★汉王简拼音的主要创新
- Optional use of features to make Chinese input faster & easier.
- Many Chinese input assistant features, e.g., Find-A-Saying, Input-Forecast, etc.
- Find out Zi by its components dialog.
>>Free Download
USB version
On-Screen News-Reader. Chinese Text-To-Speech. Chinese Learning Tool. Listen Up Web for visually handicapped. Listen to web & online articles in Chinese/English.
Speak out Chinese/English text selected in a normal window; Chinese TTS. Convenient tool for Presentation, or learning & teaching Chinese or listening to articles while working. With SpeechAnywhere, Speech from web page or other window is just a click away! Specifically suitable for people with eye-problems. Hearing aid.
>>Free Download
Chinese Notes
Chinese editing for plain text file.
Editing Chinese plain-text files (txt, gb, big5 files, etc.). Chinese word search/replacement in files. Block selection. Sync-view of files. Save HTML. Conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese. Chinese text recovery. Chinese Input Method.
>>Free Download
Star9 Chinese Write
Learn Chinese Hand Writing with a Keypad.
Stroke-based Chinese Input Method. Chinese Writing Emulation. Learn to write Chinese characters. Enjoy the beauty of Chinese characters in writing. After all, writing Chinese is not that difficult!
To use Star9 Chinese input method, you need to have a numeric kaypad on right side of your keyboard, or you can use an external numeric keypad.
>>Slide Show Demo
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Chinese Input Mobile (USB)
Legacy HanWJ product
Can be installed on a USB stick. Wherever you go, you can just find a computer and insert the USB stick, and snap(!), you are ready to type Chinese!
>>More info and free Download
Requirement: Windows versions
Software Features
PinYin" is the familiar Pinyin method plus a few new creative features (use of
these features are not enforced):
 | While inputing a single character or word, the
leftmost keyboard column can be used as Tone specifier keys, thus
reducing the amount of PinYin input candidates by 3/4. |
 | Any occurance of "ng"
sequence can be simplified to just "g"(e.g., fang->fag,
liang->liag, kuang->kuag)**.
Any occurance of "iao" can be simplified as "io"(e.g., tiao->tio,
jiao->jio, xiao->xio).
Any occurance of "uang" can be simplified as "ug"(e.g., shuang->shug,
kuang->kug, guang->gug). This saves a lot of typing.
 | During a word input, if the correct
candidate cannot be found, an innovative Word-Building Processer can be
activated through typing. It will analyze the already keyed-in character
sequence, and match the sub-sequences to corresponding smaller word or character,
eventually building up the word the user originally wants. The new word will
enter the user word-database automatically (imagine your reaction if you had
typed in numerous characters only to find no matching entry in the
word-database, and you had to start all over again?). |
 | The five keys on the
right side of the keyboard can be used to specify the first, second, and last
strokes of the character (or the last character of a word), so as to efficiently narrow down
candidates (especially for single character). |
 | HanWJ
supports both Simplified and Traditional outputs. The input engine in all of the "HanWangJian" methods innovatively uses Prefix-Match and
Fuzzy-Match (Edit-Distance, Dynamic Programming)-- resulting in a flexible
Chinese input method. HanWJ also supports various ShuangPin schemes. |
"XingMa" is similar
to WuBiZiXing [character is inputed by typing in building
blocks (ZiGen, or radicals) of the character]. The distribution of ZiGen for
"HanWangJian XingMa" is relatively easy to remember compared to other
input methods of the same type. And once remembered, it is difficult to forget.
Its input rule is natural, and the relative coding length is short; The input
speed, either by character, or by word, is speedy and efficient.
The HanWJ Chinese
Input Asistance Feature:(Word
Forecast) It utilizes an abundance of Word-for-Word dependencies
inherent in the Chinese language, projecting "Next Word or Sentence"
based on the input seen, thus increasing efficiency. In addition, prompts for
forecasted words never interfere with normal input as the forecasts can either
be used by pressing F8 or Alt+P or be ignored.
HanWJ Chinese Input Asistance Feature: (Find
a Saying) When hesitating when typing, trying to find the
right words to say, one can type Alt+S. It will activate the "Find A
Saying?dialog, where one can type a keyword and allow HanWJ to present
related typical phrases for one to choose and paste into the document. There are
countless "typical" phrases in the Chinese language (ie. classic or
poem phrases) that HanWJ has. Any typical Chinese phrase found in HanWJ's
collection does NOT imply endorsement of it in any way.
In Chinese software by HanWJ.com, you can type in Zi with toned-pinyin on top directly. As pinyin software, direct unicode pinyin Input is also supported. These're very useful in Chinese teaching.
In addition to powerful Chinese typing capabilities, Chinotes has incredible Chinese editing features including the ability of opening up six Finding- Phrases-in-Files view-area, Column-wise Selection, Second Clipboard,Multi-Window-Synchronous-View, and Global-Multi-File-Phrase-Replace.
** "ng" simplified to just "g"; this actually is based on a rule in original Chinese Pinyin Scheme: "(6)在给汉字注音的时候,为了使拼式简短,ng 可以省作 η". In English keyboard, "η" can be represented by "g" when typing pinyin.
One of the major innovations of HanWJ Pinyin is to simplify "ng" as just "g", so as to make typing a lot more convenient. We call for all Chinese Input Method Editor makers to use this method as well. Although HanWJ Chinese Input Engine
made this innovation first, it is not a patent. Every one can use this method.
About speech features in HanWJ Chinese Smart Editor.